A joint biggest online event with Three International Conferences under One Common Resounding Theme! The 4theditions of both the Future and Smart Cities (FSC) and the Resilient and Responsible Architecture & Urbanism (RRAU) Conferences, together with the joint 7thEdition of the Earth Observation for Environmental Changes (EOEC) and the 9thedition of the Geo-information Technologies for Natural Disaster Management (GiT4NDM) Conference, was organized in collaboration with the Xiamen University Malaysia Campus, Malaysia, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, University of Waterloo, Canada and IEREK Institute, Egypt, virtually from the 3rdto the 5thDecember 2021, successfully.
The participants from more than 22 countries attended this event, and 56 selected presentations including, keynotes, technical papers, were successfully presented. This multi-disciplinary conference brought together practitioners, officials, researchers, scientists, professors, decision-makers, policymakers, planners and students around the World on online synchronized presentations to exchange recent knowledge and information. The theme of this conference was “Chances, Challenges & Changes in Environmental Enhancement” and aimed at contributing to the “Bridging the Geospatial Digital Divide in Support of 2030 SDGs.”
In this event, at the opening speech, The Chair of the event, Saeid (Adam) Pirasteh welcomed all participants and stressed andproposed a Holistic Education of nature and the environment in every step of the teaching and learning process, including equality and equity to reduce social fragmentation because of the development of big cities, high population, and environmental changes and disasters. He appreciated the President of the Xiamen University, Malaysia Campus, Prof. Wang Ruifang, the President of Southwest Jiaotong University, Professor Dan Yang and the Executive Dean of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University, Professor Guoxiang Liu, and Professor Jonathan Li from the University of Waterloo, and IEREK Institute from Egypt, the scientific committee and the team members, organizing committee, volunteer students, and other individuals, including sponsors who worked hard behind the scene for making this event successfully organized in this COVID-19 pandemic situation.
To sustain the research and knowledge sharing development toward SDG-17, the organizing committee of the event decided to organize this event in Norway in 2023.
The conference wishes to see you all in 2023 in Norway and hope there will not be a COVID-19 pandemic. For more information about the conference visit:https://www.ierek.com/events/EOEC-7th&GiT4NDM-9th#threeconferencesonetheme