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Healthy Business, Healthy Life – OTO Upgrade


Discovering the Right Home Business For You!

Success is achieved by being willing to resist the odds, take the ‘road less traveled,’ and realizing that the greatest power you have, is already within you.

In my own travel to success, I’ve determined that the majority of what is offered online is truly misleading and full of empty hopes. I came to attain success through partnering with the correct people and applying good old fashioned horse sense and smart business practices, to Network Marketing.

Category: Product ID: 18392


Which it turns out to be for you is all down to the way you manage both that business and your health. And it all begins by understanding just how connected these two seemingly disparate matters are: there is a lot of synergy between your career, your lifestyle and your health and you need to approach these things as one challenge rather than separate ones.

Inside this course, you are about to learn the following information:

  • Video #1: Working from home: Is it right you?
  • Video #2: Tips for developing an entrepreneur’s mindset.
  • Video #3: How to overcome isolation when you work from home.
  • Video #4: Software to avoid RSI and other health-related issues
  • Video #5: Learning how to say ‘no’ without feeling guilty.
  • Video #6: Staying motivated when you work from home
  • Video #7: Designing the ideal home office
  • Video #8: Multitasking: the right and the wrong ways of doing it.
  • Video #9: Tips for staying organized
  • Video #10: What to do when people say ‘you don’t have  a real job’

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