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Finally,our Scholorship’ here!

  作者:     日期:2018-10-18   点击数:  

With the accompany of our honored guests, Mr Seitsinger and professor Collicoat, together with respectful managing leaders of our project department, the scholarship defense conference had finally approached on this afternoon, Oct 17th 2018. The meeting was intended to authenticate and get into knowing our most brilliant 16 students for their hortative applications and their further persuit in challenging themselves for coming future lives.

Hosted by our beloved academy administrator, Mr yang, our conference set off commencing. Students were required to step on the court and make a completed and highly-concluded speech about themselves, making points focusing on what impart them with the qualification for winning this reward. Everyone made their efforts in demonstrating their capabilities,contriving to earn judges’ approvements. After the last applicant finished his speech,the atmosphere had been taken to the climax. Our guests presenting the meeting was fully devoted into it, all were very content about students’ conscientious studying attitude, as well as their wholesome college lives, surely believing there’s more promising tomorrow for our security science project!

Through this meaningful and motivating conference, we are not only endowed with the passion to spur on ourselves, but also the tenacity to confront any obstacles in preceeding life, go! Cowboys!