英国上市公司365   | English   | 高速铁路地球科学与工程实验教学中心   | 综合管理系统   | SWJTU-OSU合作办学项目






  • 1、各铁路局领导管理干部,铁路局工务段相关专业技术人员

  • 2、地方企事业单位高层管理干部等相关专业人员













各培训模块都有大量的学员互动环节设计,如案例分析、小组讨论等,同时, 担任培训课程的老师都是具有多年企业培训经验,能确保培训的互动性。














电话: 028-87601858  87601165


郭光辉主任: 13708071587

艾紫鹃:常务副主任 13708091683


There is an outstanding teaching team at the Continuing Education Center of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University. The team consists of more than 40 full-time professors and associate professors of the Faculty, together with almost 40 part-time invited professors. Based on meticulous and serious academic attitude, the Center has provided further education to technical talents from fields such as Engineering Survey, Remote Sensing Engineering, Geographic Information System, Geographic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Fire-fighting Engineering, with strong teaching capability and facilities.
Curriculum at the Center:
Adults’ continuing education and training: Environmental Monitoring and Treatment Techniques (Junior College Degree) as well as Engineering Survey and Supervision (Junior College Degree); tutorial classes for higher education self-taught exams: Traffic and Construction Engineering (upgrade from junior college student to university student); advanced training courses for professional master’s degree: Environmental Engineering, Fire-fighting Engineering, Surveying Engineering, Geographic Engineering, Geographic Information System.
The Continuing Education Center of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering upholds an honest, practical, exploratory and inventive working style, and provides highly qualified management talents for enterprises and the society with its leading curriculum, strong teaching team, first-class service, outstanding facilities and serious academic attitude. To meet the training requirements that enterprises and institutions have for all management levels, the Center has planned various kinds of training programs, in accordance to education characteristics and advantages of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University.
Who can participate in the courses:
  • 1、Administrative leaders of all railway bureaus, as well as related technicians at all track maintenance divisions of railway bureaus

  • 2、Related specialists of higher administrative level at regional enterprises and institutions.

Teaching management and administration:
Teaching plans of training courses are well-planned by theTraining Center of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, in accordance with requirements for enterprises and institutions. Once settled, the teaching plans and curriculums will be delivered to participants with trainee-manuals. The Center of the Faculty is responsible for teaching organization and coordination.
Expected Achievements:
Participants cannot only learn related knowledge from the training, but also obtaining Certifications of Completion for related courses awarded by Southwest Jiaotong University.
Southwest Jiaotong University campus or location designated by entrusting institutions.
Training term and mode:
Training term is planned according to the training scheme picked by enterprises and institutions. Highly respecting the time table of enterprises, the courses can be arranged within an intensive period or during weekends as to meet the requirements of the entrusting party.
Characteristics of courses:
  1. 1. Modularized course design

  2. Comparatively independent modules are designed and the training sessions are carried out topic by topic. Each module bares its own theoretical system and operation process, method and technology, taught by senior specialist in the related field, thus training quality is guaranteed.
  3. 2. Interactive training process

    A mass amount of interaction among participants is designed in each module, for example, case study, group discussion, etc. Besides, the course trainers are well-experienced so that the interactivity is guaranteed.
  1. 3. Practical activities

  2. Before training of each module starts, trainees are supposed to raise issues encountered in corporate management (about related topic). Trainers then organize and direct trainees to analyze and discuss the case together, and put forward feasible solutions. Through such consulting, the training is well practiced and directed.
Training programs:
  1. 1. Accident-prevention management of high-speed railway (14 days, 112 academic hours)

  2. 2. Data-processing of high-speed rail track (18 days, 144 academic hours)

  3. 3. Sophisticated measurement and testing of high-speed rail track (10 days, 80 academic hours)

  4. 4. Special training of over-load transportation (6 days, 48 academic hours)

  5. 5. Crew operation management (14 days, 112 academic hours)

  6. 6. Land use management of railway construction (12 days, 96 academic hours)

  7. 7. Sophisticated measurement and track testing techniques of Chengdu Railway Bureau. (44 days, 352 academic hours)

Continuing Education Office (the Training Center)
Address: 1218-3, Teaching Building #1, Jiuli Campus, Southwest Jiaotong University1218-3
Tel: 028-87601858 87601165
Director: Guo Guanghui:13708071587
Standing Vice-director: Ai Zijuan: 13708091683
Vice-director: Li Tao:13709042084