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德国波恩大学Juergen Kusche教授应邀到测绘系访问交流

  作者:     日期:2018-07-02   点击数:  

受英国上市公司365测绘系范东明教授团队邀请,德国波恩大学Juergen Kusche教授于2018.7.2上午9:00应邀到英国上市公司365测绘系开展学术交流,并在X4520做了题为“Potential and limitations of using GRACE/GRACE-FO for drought monitoring 和“Hydrological loading effects in GNSS time series from GRACE and models”的学术报告。会议由袁林果教授主持,范东明教授、周乐韬、龚晓颖、田玉淼、游为等老师、测绘系部分本科生、研究生和博士参加了本次报告会。Kusche教授对GRACE/GRACE-FO卫星时变地球重力场模型进行干旱探测的潜力和局限性进行了详细的分析,并利用GRACE和模型计算了GNSS时间序列的水文负荷效应。上午10点半,Kusche教授与刘国祥经理就国际化示范学院的建设进行了深入交流与探讨。


Professor Juergen Kusche comes from Bonn University. He is the director of institute for geodesy and geoinformation, the associate dean of the faculty of agriculture. Since 2009, he is the full professor of astronomical, physical and mathematical geodesy. His research focus on Earth system research using geodetic methods, global and regional gravity field, satellite geodesy, inverse methods in geodesy, statistical analylsis of geodetic data, Monte-Carlo procedures. Since 2015, he is the Editor-in-Chief of journal of geodesy. He has published more than 100 papers in the journal of geodesy, journal of hydrology, surveys in geophysics, remote sensing of environment, geophysical journal international, journal of geophysical research, and so on.