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United Nations Open GIS Meeting

  作者:     日期:2020-07-15   点击数:  

The meeting of the United Nations Open GIS was conducted virtually on (Wednesday, July 15, 2020).

Saeid (Adam) Pirasteh from the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering (FGEE) represented the Southwest Jiaotong University in this meeting and delivered an introduction of how we can contribute to the UN Open GIS. Southwest Jiatong University (SWJTU) is a member of the Academic Network of United Nations-Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM).

The UN Open GIS is a great platform to translate and bridge the research to apply to change the world for a better environment and a safer world through open sources. For more information about UN Open GIS visit http://unopengis.org/unopengis/main/main.php.