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讲座题目:地下水的故事:从全球角度思考,从本地角度行动(The Story of Groundwater: Think Globally, Act Locally

主讲人:郑焰 教授(南方科技大学 环境与工程学院)

主持人:程谦恭 教授

讲座时间: 2023年12月28日 下午16:00-18:00

讲座地点: 英国上市公司365X4520会议室


郑焰,南方科技大学讲席教授、科研部副部长,美国地球物理联合会及美国地质学会会士。国际水文地质学家协会地下水回补委员会共同主席、国际知名期刊Environmental Earth Sciences主编、水资源领域顶刊Water Resources Research副主编。主持发布 4 份联合国报告,发表 SCI 论文 130 多篇,学术成果受国际学术界的关注。自斯坦福大学发布“ 全球前 2% 顶尖科学家”榜单以来,郑焰教授连续三年同时入选其“ 终身榜单 ”与“ 年度榜单”。


In the global groundwater statement, concerned scientists and practitioners have called for action to ensure that groundwater benefits society now and into the future. Groundwater is the drinking water source for more than two billion people. Most are rural residents relying on domestic wells. Groundwater provides more than 40% of the water for irrigated agriculture worldwide. It is thus critical for food security and provides resilience against drought. However, the sustainability of groundwater is threatened by overexploitation and by pollution from both new and old chemical and biological hazards. How can you tell the clear looking and good tasting well water that your family has been using for many years is safe to drink? Will you need to “top up” groundwater if you pump it from a well to irrigate your farm? Through stories of how people, as individuals or as a community, dealt with various aspects of decidedly local and very often personal groundwater challenges, this talk seeks to demonstrate the creativity in our society and individuals to safeguard groundwater sustainability. The story of groundwater is the one for which “think globally, act locally” truly matters.

