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Winter Online Lecture

for students, teachers and early-career scientists

of the Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), Chengdu, China,

Date: January 11, 2024

Time: 15-00, tentatively

Tencent Meeting number:362-332-198

Initiated and Organized by: the Faculty of Geoscience and Environmental Engineering (FGEE) of SWJTU (/EN/Homepage.htm ) presented by B.Wünnemann


Organisation of laboratories and tasks.

This presentation will use the concept at Freie Universität Berlin how the laboratories are organized and how the laboratory work is controlled by the head in order to keep the laboratory rules for all students who plan to conduct analyses. This also includes the concepts for lab-courses provided every semester including student’s advices before they can work at laboratories, continuously controlled and supported by the laboratory staff.

You can sign for the Seminar meeting by a TenCent/VooV or Zoom links to be announced later.