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1st Russia-China Winter Online Seminar

for students and early-career scientists

between the Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), Chengdu, China,

and Novosibirsk State University (NSU), Novosibirsk, Russia

Date: January 22-23, 2024

Time: 15-00, tentatively

January 22  Tencent Meeting number:410-088-103

January 23  Tencent Meeting number:214-093-117

Initiated and Organized by: the Faculty of Geoscience and Environmental Engineering (FGEE) of SWJTU (/EN/Homepage.htm )

The Geology-Geophysical Faculty (GGF), Laboratory of Evolution of Paleo-Oceans and Mantle Magmatism (LEPOMM) of NSU (http://lepom.nsu.ru/)


January 22 - Introduction of the NSU, GGF and LEPOMM including the Sample Preparation Center: history, structure, facilities, capacities.

January 23 - Key current research targets in LEPOMM: thematic presentations of early-career scientists (to be listed later)

You can sign for the Seminar meeting by a TenCent/VooV or Zoom links to be announced later.